Speed, oh speed, where are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I've run the world over
Thought you were my true love
But you've met another... met another...met another (record skipping)
You were gone.
(Next: An Interrogation)
Speed, where have you gone to?
I dunno.
When will you be back?
Couldn't tell ya.
I want you... Immeasurably - to the tips of my toes.
Pfft, come off it!
I've left you with joy,
and drive.
Now really,
shouldn't that be enough for you?
(Last: An Update)
Tomatoes 1
Triteacher 0
"There is more to life than just increasing its speed." - Ghandi
Obviously: Ghandi wasn't a runner!
Cool on your 'matoes!
I love growing things.
Please, please, please tell me you're not brooding over 10 miles of 8 min pace. Please.
I think my 2.5 mile runs are getting really, really strong. And also really, really slow.
Alright, who's up for a bike ride?
I don't know that song well enough to sing along with the new lyrics... (wow, I guess I am out of my pop princess phase!).
Cute plants. :)
That was not the tune I wanted to carry out into the morning run in a moment.
But I will say that the other day I thought of composing a nice ditty about my track mates, and it was inspired by those you create. Now, to just come up with the right lines....
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