Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hallway Duty

How do Kindergarteners Come back from Lunch?

Like you've opened up a bag of popcorn
and sprinkled it liberally throughout the hallway.
They hop and they skip,
they gallop and they sashay.
They twirl and they twitter.
One little boy announced, "I'm poppin' wheelies,"
as he wove back and forth across the hallway.

So - from a technical standpoint - I've still enforced "No running in the hallways," right?


greyhound said...

Like little molecules in a superheated environment all bumping and banging into their surroundings.

Fe-lady said...

This made me smile...
mine usually try to impress me by walking backwards...
go figure! (I act all surprised of course that they can pull off such a magic physical act!)

jwm said...

K-5 kids need, nay, want, nay, expect rules. You only think they want to run. Really it's just a test. They administer the test to you. It's all one big test to see what they can get away with.

Did you pass? I'm sure you're fine.

-j(parent of 4 year old twins)wm

The Fool said...

Oh TT! I am so stealing that popcorn line...

And that popping wheelies line.......

They DO bounce to find their boundaries. Both the physical walls and the 'rules' boundaries. They really do want them. But that doesn't stop them from also wanting to test the fences.

After all, who wants to play tennis with the net down?

Cool post, as usual. (working my way backwards. Again.)


Unknown said...


Ah, but to have the mindset of a Kindergartener coming back from lunch again...

RunBubbaRun said...

So that is what my kid is planning to do when she start kindergarden.

But she does like to run thou.. Hopefully you can catch her with some other sweets..