- 1 canister lowfat (even in the 11th hour, I was still trying!)
Pringles - except for the last 4 chips and some crumbs. By the time I got to those, even I had tired of their sour cream and oniony deliciousness.
- 2 slices bacon cheeseburger pizza - cut me some slack here; I was still full from the Pringles. Usually I'm good for at least 3 slices.
- 4 (FOUR, cuatro) ice cream sandwiches. Not too full to enjoy a little ice cream.
This morning the guilt got me out the door and running. I feel so cleansed now. My cravings have been purged from my system. (I did not literally purge; call me what you will, but I've never been bulimic.) Every once in a while, I need to do this. Binge on all of those uber-icky foods, and then I'm done with them. Back on the straight and narrow.
So, time for the critical eye:
Running - Not so good this week.
Swimming - Inverse proportion to the running; it rocked! I've noticed that when I pick up my running, my swimming suffers. Cut back a little bit, and boy, do I feel like I can cruise.
Biking - Mediocre. I'm mountain biking around town but haven't clocked any long rides. However, biking through snow, sleet, and rain (crazy weather week) has really helped my bike-ed-ness. I feel one with the bike.
Lifting - Skipped all week until today.
Weight - Even while all this craving-clawing was taking place, I managed to lose weight. I'm only 3 pounds up from my Ironman weight now. That's a loss of 5 pounds since January. I'm getting there!
Kegels - No, I am not pregnant! (Call me what you will, but I have never been pregnant.;)) However, I have experienced an increase in, um, urinary urgency and am taking pains to train those muscles as well. It's going quite nicely, thank you.
Why am I telling you this? I am curious. This first came to my attention during Ironman, and exertion seems to exacerbate the condition. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a causal relationship, or is it due to one of the other bazillion variables (e.g. too much coffee)? Please drop me a comment - or an email if you'd rather not speak of IT in a public forum.
Mitigating factors (AKA Excuses):
I skied 3 hours last weekend, and shoveled snow for a total of the same over the course of this week. My shoulders ached. Plus, I did feel that little nagging sensation at my temples that's my first indicator of overtraining. I think the shoveling and skiing count for more than I'd initially granted them.
So where does that all leave me? With a mixed bag: worried about meeting my 1/2 marathon goal time, but with the sneaking suspicion that the skiing and shoveling have strengthened me in some heretofore unappreciated ways.
Finally, food: I am ready for a salmon-spaghetti-vegetable week. Hold me to it.
Critical Eye out!
The weather has made me log a little skimpy this week too. Good luck with gaining some peace around the food cravings. Love Kegels and I discovered the same problem while I trained for too many back-to-back marathons.
I too did the major binge eating bad food thing last night. I ate and ate and ate. Ate all the foods I have been denying myself. I was totally out of control. I was so uncomfortably full by the time I was done!
Good luck with your cravings. At least we work out to offset some of the calories. :)
Hmmm, craving? You sure about the other thing.
I thought a kegel a was someting you do a fraternity party? I guess not.
I like the part of you biking out in the crazy weather.. Awesome.
So what's up with the TRI bike from previous post?
The 'nutrition-thing' just drags me down. I cannot wrap my brain and soul around these hardcore eating plans. Saturday I have designated as my 'eat anything day'. Unfortunately, this often rolls into Sunday as well! My point is,"why does it have to be soooo hard?". What's wrong with a piece of cheese every once in a while. I like cereal and bread. I like a good hamburger. What about everything in moderation (except for the 'eat anything day'). I'm ranting and raving now, but I thing you get my point.
You don't have to tell me about cravings! They just must be appeased every now and then, at least you worked out to work it off- I just sit around and whine a bit until I just move on. I'm sure this week will bring better weeks for everyone.
Interesting you should bring up your, um, problem...I've had the same issue for years and it's gotten really bad recently. To the point I'm buying Poise pads in bulk at Costco because I can't do a race or group run without them. My MD said I just have a very, very weak pelvic floor. I've found no relief with Kegel exercises, but maybe I just don't do enough.
Whoever decided to stack chips instead of toss 'em in a bag full of air was a packaging genius. You are halfway through the can by the time you realize what you're doing. By then, it's a lost cause.
I binged this weekend as well. I am never able to stay healthy when my wife and the kids are gone. I had McDonald casualties if that tells you anything. As well as ice cream and Girl Scout cookie casualties. Oh the horror!
Me? Well, every day looks like a binge since I'm not so good anymore about denying myself tasty treats. As for the kegals, my running partner peed herself all during our IM. I don't have much explaination except keep up the kegals and talk to your MD if necessary!
I powered through some not so great food once the sore throat turned into a plain old nasty cold. Today I'm back to the better stuff. It happens to all of us. You just stay away from the scale and your skinny jeans for a day or three and it's all good!
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