Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Top 10 Reasons to Hate your Spouse

(Don't worry, Honey; it's the sugar talking)

#1 Leaves me a pan of Chicken Alfredo in the fridge that I take out to find that there's all Alfredo and no chicken.

#2 Teases the cat, the dog, and me mercilessly, but when I tease the puppy just a little bit "doesn't even want to look" at me. Aargh, I'm gritting my teeth.

#3 Insult upon injury of starvation: I open the microwave to find its walls spackled with exploded bits of chicken and Alfredo sauce. He does this all the time -repeatedly sullies the microwave because he puts his food on top of the microwave cover. The effort it would take to lift up that little piece of plastic and place it over his food... Sheesh, we can put a man on the moon, but think we could teach him to cover his food pre-microwaving??

#4 OK, losing steam... at least I got the big 3 though.


jbmmommy said...

Wow- I could add here, but I'm trying to change my overall spouse bad-attitude. Sorry about the Alfredo.

Trisaratops said...

LOL! I'm sure Matt could write a book on annoying things I do, but I second the microwave comment. :)

RunBubbaRun said...

You crack me up, I think I have done that once or twice, especially the microwave thing, uncovered food, I could go on and on.. Did you tell him all TRiathletes pee on thier bikes?)