Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grrr... to Brrr...?

NOT SO QUICK! I did get out and bike yesterday. Let me tell you a little secret.

Middle schoolers are unreliable reporters of the weather.

All afternoon I heard dire reports and complaints of how they'd had to go outside for recess and their science class. A sampling for your pleasure:

  • It's sooooo windy and cold outside!
  • Why do we have to go out? We're just all going to get sicker!
  • Is the school trying to kill us? (Obviously this one possesses insight.)

The science teacher herself shook her head and told me to bundle up when I said I was riding.

So I listened and bundled up. And walked out into pure sunshine and 40 degrees. No, that is not the promised 43 degrees, but sheesh, we've had teens and 20s. I was sweating within a mile. I had to stop at a friend's house to ditch layers. But then -- I had my first ride. And it was BEAUTIFUL. My bike is awesome. There is nothing, no thing, like a bike that fits you like a glove. My bike fits.

How does it feel? Like the hills aren't as hard. Like immediate response when I push down on my pedals. Like my tires grip the road and go. Like butter.

Speaking of butter, I think of FOOD when I bike. Unlike any other workouts, I obsess about food. It had been so long that I didn't remember - until I smelled homemade chicken pot pie as I was riding last night. There was no pot pie in sight. Nor a chicken for that matter.

Rest assured, I did get to eat. I biked to a birthday party. My calories were replaced. View exhibit A.

Net sum:
Sunlight, Snow, Serra, & Me: 17.5 miles, 1:01. (That wind they complained about was a tailwind. Woot!) I am back in the saddle. View exhibit B.


jwm said...

I hear you. I walked two 5 year olds 4 blocks to school and you'd think I made them do the Iditarod.

Oh how that fixed gear in the basement is calling me. Thanks for reminding me.


Anonymous said...

"Like butter" is a perfect description of a great bike ride/fit!

I love when I'm running in the evening and can smell dinner being cooked from people's homes.

Exibit A looks pretty yummy :)

RunBubbaRun said...

Yes, thoughts of junk food while taking down a slimy gel..

Cool bike pic, not sure, it still looked dang cold to me..

Happy riding thou.

Steve Stenzel said...

HA! Great post! Still looks cold though...

Michelle said...

I have to let you know, I always get fooled when I'm on your page and trying to get back to mine. It's the pink background. I think I'm on my page, until I start reading. Uh, hmmmm, not mine. The level of writing is too great!

Trisaratops said...

Love it! I can't WAIT until this snow melts so I can hit the's a slushy mess at the moment.

Exhibit A looks outstanding!

My high schoolers are always predicting doomsday snowstorms, too. "We're TOTALLY gonna have a snow day tomorrow!" ha ha!

Ryan said...

Now don't I feel silly when I won't go out and it is 45 and breezy.

Spring is here, well at least it is here!

Anne said...

My husband must have kin in Wisconsin because this sounds like the same analyses I get from him when he's sent to scout out the weather. That's some birthday cake.

Pharmie said...

I'm so jealous. I can run in anything, but I'm a weenie when it comes to cold weather on the bike (like, less than 50 degrees cold).

GetBackJoJo said...

40's with a tailwind is perfect riding weather...
(That's my native Maine blood talkin')
I'm going outside this weekend. Wahoo! Pretty soon we'll be complaining about how it's too hot. :)