I love the way my head pounds until a single chocolate outrage Gu stitches those frayed temple edges back together.
I love the way you have to step slowly and place each foot deliberately so as not to plummet to injury - or just waste a ton of energy.
I love the way you gasp in that thin air that yet tastes fresher than the air anywhere else in the world.
I love the way I don't shower or change my clothes for days at a time. (I am green!)
I love the way you meet people on their journeys up the same mountain - and they've come from so many directions.
I love the way my body stays in motion, the way it craves the top as much as my oxygen-stretched mind.
I love everything about it.
Mt. Belford & Mt. Oxford
11 miles, 5900 feet, 9:04.37
July 25, 2009
Awesome climb, TT!!
...I love when you write about these things ; )
I LOVE how you capture things in your writing.
I love how awesome you made me feel after reading this, and all I did was climb out of bed.
That's amazing! I so thoroughly admire anyone who climbs mountains.
Hi old friend. You still rule.
Just wanted to say "hi" and hope your school year is going well!
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