I arrange a meeting with Vietnamese speakers, but he barely speaks to them either.
I lose sleep. Why doesn't he have more English after a year here? Is he a selective mute? Is there a language delay? He changed schools three times in 7th grade. His mom indicates that he may stay only one semester here. I ask her to not change schools.
I make conversation cards and practice with him. He dutifully reads the words and fills in the blanks. "Hi ----, how are you?" "I am ____. And yourself?"
It is weeks later when I have my small group of newcomers make slides that I glimpse his personality. And guffaw.
The assignment is to make a slideshow with six statements about yourself - some true, some false. His second statement reads, "I have 100 girlfriends." On the next slide, the big reveal is... "False. I am too lazy. I have to learn English first and then I will get a girlfriend."
I breathe a sigh of relief. I can work with this. It will take coaxing and teaching and love, but I will get him. How else is he going to achieve that dream?
In January, I happily report that I've gotten him! He makes eye contact with me and asks me questions. And though he never talks my ear off, my teacher sense knows he's good. His mom has reached out to me repeatedly with gratitude, and the family is planning to stay in our feeder area for high school.
And my boy has gotten his wish. He walks through the halls and eats lunch with and sits in class with... like 100 girls. He's a chick magnet! They FaceTime each other at night. I cannot imagine what they talk about, but it is not important. He is here. He is connected and he is gaining English. My teacher heart sings.